100% legal
nebkas.ro is provided by NEBKAS S.R.L., who is the owner and the manager of nebkas.ro.
The company is a limited liability company, incorporated and functioning according to Romanian laws. The company having its registered office in:
Romania, Bucharest, 3rd District, 10 Lt. Nicolae Pascu Street, block 5, 6th entrance, 1st floor, ap. 151.
Registered with the Bucharest Trade Registry under no:
. J40/8047/2021
Sole Identification Code:
E-mail address hello@nebkas.ro
December 18, 2020
nebkas.ro joined Crypto.org Testnet's
January 18, 2021
nebkas.ro participated on the CROSSFIRE Mainnet Dry-Run
March 25, 2020
nebkas.ro joined as Validator on the Crypto.org Mainnet
July 20, 2021
nebkas.ro joined Crypto.org Cronos-Testnet's
nebkas.ro partnered with Crypto.org
08 November, 2021
nebkas.ro joined as validator on the Crypto.org Cronos chain